↪Naar het Nederlands

Mission and vision

Ready, Steady, GO! 

Society demands self-directed and independent people who want to learn with and from each other. In a rapidly changing and complex society, citizens are expected to take the initiative and (together) to solve problems creatively in a well-founded manner. We also expect people to have an eye and attention for their fellow human beings and to feel (co-)responsible for their own and other people's wellbeing. Basic conditions for this are: being curious, wanting to learn, daring to enter into relationships, learning to trust others and gaining insight into your own talents, strengths and pitfalls.   

Our school offers pupils a solid foundation and a broad, thematic and internationally oriented educational offering (Ready). In addition, we focus on caring for themselves, each other and a sustainable world (Steady). This prepares our pupils to find their own unique place in society (GO!).